Tuesday, March 24, 2009

material recycle and reuse

I think a lot about maximizing material use, recycling, and reuse. Call me my grandmother's child, but as a product of the depression, she knew how to reuse! Cleaned plastic jelly single use packets held beads recovered from old dresses and hand bags. Material once tattered as a skirt became fodder for a new purse or scarf. It was always fun in our household.

I became a fan of Trader Joe's last year living in places where I could easily shop there and I purchased their reusable shopping bags. These bags have finally caught on in Michigan where every store now sells their own version, granted none as nice as TJ's.

I do a lot of sewing projects and consequently, I have fabric remnants from those projects in addition to taking spare fabric when offered. I decided that more people should enjoy their shopping experience with a beautiful custom, possibly shabby-chic bag made from my recycled fabrics.

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