Tuesday, May 26, 2009

North Pacific gyre

I've always been fascinated with how the ocean works, how waters flow, significant tides occur, and the big heat transfer system it exibits.

It's no surprise looking at this current map that there would be water not moving very far in the Pacific ocean. This is the North Pacific gyre. You may have seen pictures of what gets captured here many years ago. I thought it'd be worth a review today. Charles Moore talks at TED about our waste.

If you'd like some ideas on how to reduce your intake of packaging and thus your consequent release of garbage, you'll enjoy following Dave's blog, 365 Days of Trash.

Image from duenos.net

1 comment:

  1. An update from a recent trip to the Gyre: http://www.insidebayarea.com/ci_13258216?source=most_emailed


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